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  • Writer's pictureTFU Studios

Stones Throw Cel Print (2004)

Right after the success of the MadVillain LP, Stones Throw through a party/ concert at the Henry Fonda Music Box . Doom/ Dilla/ Madlib all performed, you may say it was a pretty historic night!

It was pretty customary for me after a project, to paint a Cel Print for the client as a way of saying thanks. For the Stones Throw crew, whom I'd become pretty close friends with by now, I'd decided to paint caricatures of the principal figures (Egon, Jeff Jank, Peanut Butter Wolf). I handed the painting to Egon whom was working the merch booth at the show. He took a quick look and just started cracking up. A pretty good reflection of his easy-going nature.

From what I understand, Jeff and Chris were none too excited about my caricatures of them, but, that's always the risk you take when putting one of these together!

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